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General Visual Art Classes

My mission is to share my love and joy of visual art with others. I love seeing what you can create, and watching your eyes light up when what you have created comes to life.


 Space is limited. 

Please contact me for an orientation to discuss further prices.

Price and class size can vary with age and ability.


information about my class and pricing in the pdf below 


Prices below are general pricing contact me for specific pricing for your needs.


Prices subject to change. 

Supply list will be given. 

About my Art class flyer download 

Art Class Pricing
flyer download 

General Standard
 Group Rates





    1hour painting..............................$20.00

    1hour drawing .............................$15.00


Older Youth



    2hour .............................................$25.00





Day Time till 5 pm

Senior, Adult & Older Youth


Note : First class of a painting includes a set up fee for materials if using my supplies.

The price does not include a canvas.

Extra fee for purchasing canvas. 



 Using my supplies

2hour.........With set up fee........$35.00

After set up fee .........$25.00 per session


 Larger canvas $45.00  

2 hour ..........after set up fee......$25.00 per session

Day time and senior price only 


Using you own supplies

2 1/2hour.............................................$25.00


Monthly rates available at cheaper price for senior and young adults. 







These are General pricing

contact for more information






Evening Pricing after 4pm

Senior, Adult & Older Youth


Note : First class of a painting includes a set up fee for materials if using my supplies.

The price does not include a canvas.

Extra fee for purchasing canvas. 



Using my supplies

2hour.........With set up fee........$35.00


 Larger canvas $45.00  

2hour ..........after set up fee......$25.00



Using you own supplies




 Paint using your own supplies with no instruction $15.00 stay as long as you like.
Repeat customers can get a monthly rate. 
Currently I teach on:
Tuesday's  1pm to 6pm Class
Wednesday  is watercolor class by Susan
Thursday  private art group  Class
Friday 1 to 5 Art  Class

Contact me for more Information

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